Saturday, February 03, 2007

My dream

I used to dream of my future life that I will be a famous business man,

Then I imagined many audiences waiting for my speech,

And I used to hope for a richest life,

Sometimes I used to read business newspaper,

But I always only read it.

And now I'm still an employee.


jeab said...

The majority have a dream same as you.I think you mustn't just dream but you should to do everythings for success your dream.

It has a lot of way to follow your dream but you have to happy with a way you choose.

Anonymous said...

I really like your poem. I appreciate your sentiment, I too used to want people to listen to me - in my rock band...
Don't you think poetry and creative writing is a good way of learning a piece of grammar like "used to"?
Well done for being brave enough to publish.